Infinity Goods blog

A blog for God’s People

Toys Stored in Zipper Bags and Plastic Drawer Towers — Works For Me Wednesday

Posted by infinitygoods on October 9, 2007

***************************************************************************** Be sure to check today’s following post for the recap of all the answers from last week’s WFMW question. Thank you all for your great comments!! *****************************************************************************

Our toy chest was always a jumble and neither children nor adults could find what we were looking for. Plus, toys these days come with small parts and it seemed we were always in search for the tiniest ones.

I came up with the solution of storing all small parts in plastic baggies with easy zippers and storing these baggies. We also put the toys in plastic bags and store all these bags in plastic drawer towers. Even younger children can easily open and close these baggies.

I started when our son was a toddler and still needed help organizing, but now that he’s older it’s become second nature for him to sort all the Star Wars toys, all the Playmobile toys, all the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe toys, etc. together in their individual bags. The toys remain together at the ready for play time and the small parts do not get lost or separated.

Additionally, when it’s time to go to grandma’s house, he just selects a few baggies and off we go.

This system also works extremely well with K’nex. Each type of piece is stored in a different bag for easier and faster building. We have one bag for miscellaneous parts where there are only one or two of each such pieces.

All these bags need a good home and I put them in plastic drawer towers. They are light and it is easy for a child to pull out. When done playing, the bags or the entire drawers go back in and there is no clutter all over the house or room.

But perhaps best of all, if you ever move, you will think this idea is a godsend because all the toys will already be packed and nothing will fall out. We have gone through two moves with this system and it worked beautifully. I only wish the rest of the house were as easy to pack as the pre-packed toys!

See these and other tips at Rocks in My Dryer.

6 Responses to “Toys Stored in Zipper Bags and Plastic Drawer Towers — Works For Me Wednesday”

  1. Great idea! When we were young, we just put our toys in shoe boxes or sometimes plastic bags…and I think that your idea is better ‘coz you can easily see toys in zipper bags, plus, it is resealable…

  2. Martie said

    I loooove plastic zipper bags! I use them for crayons, toys, food storage, travel (shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, shampoo, even jewelry). I love to store puzzles and game pieces in them.

    I love that you can grab a bag and run. Thanks for the great tip!


  3. Great idea! Love the travel tip idea–just grab and go–thanks!

  4. infinitygoods said

    Thank you for bringing up that the bags are see through — that is a big plus and I meant to mention it in my post but forgot to as I was writing. I use bags for just about everything too. They are a boon for organization. Thank you all for commenting.

  5. Dawn said

    That is a great idea. I have done that with some other things as well. I started an organizing post on Wednesday. Well, I have had my last two on Wednesdays, but hadn’t really decided on a specific day for sure. I didn’t know about WFMW. I went to Rocks in the Dryer to check it out. I may participate sometime, or just do what I have started. I have been doing TT and Fun Monday so I am not sure if I want more traffic generating things in the week. I am planning to do the thing where you sign up and do a post for every day of the month. I have been practising the last couple weeks, so I will see how it goes. You have an interesting blog.

  6. infinitygoods said

    I’m glad you find my blog interesting, Dawn. Thank you for taking the time to leave several comments. You have great organizing and cooking ideas on your blog. I’m glad you stopped by here so I could discover your blog. I will be back for visits. I think I need to start my own blog roll to make it easier on myself. I’ve discovered too many new friends since I started blogging.

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