Infinity Goods blog

A blog for God’s People

Reader Asks Where To Purchase Quality Foods Online

Posted by infinitygoods on November 30, 2007

As my regular readers know, healthy and quality foods are important to our family. One of my readers has asked if I know of quality food sources online, and yes, I do know a few, but I wonder if the rest of my readers know of any others.

So please help us out by commenting. Here is Leo’s complete question posted in response to yesterday’s Wow! Every Cookie Imaginable!:

wow…thats all I can say…wow! I love this blog!!!!
Do you by chance, know of any quality online food services? I am starting to order all my food online because of various reasons. (Health being one of them) So far I have found 2 services, Fresh Dining (an LA company) and Celebrity Foods, but you have to call them so they can talk to you about your need. I would really like any suggestions that you may have, so I can widen my list of quality places online where I can order healthy food from.
Thank you and have a great night or day…depending on when you read this. LOL!!!!

Nov 30, 1:33 AM — [ Edit | Delete | Approve | Spam ] — View post “WOW! Every Cookie Imaginable!”

Leo, here’s the sources I can personally vouch for. (Click on the links.)

1. whole-foods.jpg Whole Foods Market — They are headquartered in Texas and have regular stores throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. While they do deliver, their delivery policy however varies by store so you need to check with your local stores. Whole Foods carries a wide variety of foods, cleaners and body products.

2. country-sun.jpgCountry Sun Natural Foods is a small, very friendly store in Palo Alto, Calif. Their online store carries groceries, organic wine, vitamins, herbs and body care products. They have monthly sales and they provide senior discounts. If you don’t see what you want, but they carry that item in the brick and mortar store, they will usually add it online just for you. If they don’t carry it, they will often special order it or at least point you in the right direction. Yes, they really are that friendly. You can see what I said about them in the post Flavor and Flowers at Farmer’s Market. Your previous shopping carts will be remembered for 60 days for faster reordering too. They also publish Taste For Life Magazine which is available instore and shipped with every order.

3. Infinity Goods — Yes, that’s us! We are an online Amazon Affiliate store. Amazon infinitylogo.jpgnow has a grocery store. We have requested more health foods and quality foods for our affiliate store at For now we carry products in our gourmet foods section like Alaska wild salmon, Omaha Steaks (and other Omaha foods), maple syrup, stevia and even whole black winter truffles direct from France, and much more. We will start carrying more foods as Amazon makes it available. If you want a specific food which Amazon carries, but we do not have listed, we will add it to our products for you, just let us know. When you shop at Infinity Goods, you use the same Amazon shopping cart, products come to you directly from Amazon and we have the same Amazon return policy. So be sure to shop with us whenever a product attracts your eye. You’ll be helping me and my small family.

4. Fabrique Delices — It is a French charcuterie or delicatessen. It’s not a one-stop fabrique-delices.jpgshopping since they only provide deli products, but they are excellent. They serve the Pope and the White House, but remain a good value for the quality. I also mentioned them in my Farmer’s Market post, along with a couple of small family businesses with online stores, Prevedelli Farms and Bolani and Sauce.

Dear Readers, if you can, please don’t forget to post your own suggestions for Leo and all of us. It will be greatly useful to all who visit here. In advance, I thank all of you.

3 Responses to “Reader Asks Where To Purchase Quality Foods Online”

  1. 4urpets said

    The only online food store that I can think about is Vons. They deliver for a nominal fee, and once you are in their system, they will mail you from time to time, a coupon for free delivery. Although the food is not organic, or pre-made into meals, there are some wholesome foods there.

  2. rachel said


  3. abroadview said

    Wonderful blog!

    I received a similar request from Leo, and here is my response. Best wishes from Vermont for a wonderful holiday season. -Allison

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