Infinity Goods blog

A blog for God’s People

Write A Santa Letter To Your Children

Posted by infinitygoods on November 27, 2007




If Santa has never written a Christmas greeting to your children, you’d better remedy that by writing him right now at the North Pole, care of the United States Postal Service.

The Fairbanks, Alaska, postmaster delivers Santa’s mail each year to boys and girls all across the country (or world if you have access to U.S. stamps).

Here’s what to do: You are Santa and you write a letter to your children. You can use fancy holiday stationery, including ones with Santa’s jolly likeness. In the letter, tell your children how they are on your Special List of Good Children. Children love it when you personalize the letter with details like their latest accomplishments, awards or grades, their friends’ names, a pet, or a lovey or blanket.

You can include information about the North Pole, the elves, Rudolph training the youngest reindeers, Mrs. Claus and whatever strikes your fancy. If you mention a specific toy, be absolutely positive it’s going to be under the tree (I would only include something that’s already hiding in the closet — you know how those mad shoppers can be).

Santa’s whirlwind flight around the world requires a lot of energy, so Santa Claus should ask for a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. Kris Kringle never worries about calories because the chubbier, the merrier.

When you’ve written the letter, place it in a matching envelope with a Christmas stamp and address it to your child with your full U.S. postal address. In the upper left corner, just write Santa Claus, North Pole (or St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Pere Noel or whatever is your children’s favorite name for the jolly fellow in the red suit).

Seal the envelope. You can decorate it with stickers or even a fancy wax seal of a snowflake, Rudolph or an initial like S for Santa or C for Claus.

Place the letter your children will be receiving into a larger envelope, properly stamped for First Class or Priority Mail and address that envelope to:

North Pole Christmas Cancellation
5400 Mail Trail
Fairbanks, AK 99709-9998

The elves at the North Pole Post Office will postmark Santa’s letter with this postmark north-pole-postmark.jpg and send it back to your children!

Your request must arrive before Dec. 15. After that date, the Postal Services requires priority mail postage to ensure the letter’s arrival before Christmas because Santa just would not send his mail after he already came down your chimney.

For a list of other holiday-based towns which will also postmark your mail, click here.

For a list of all the Works For Me Wednesday participants, head over to Rocks in My Dryer.

If you missed any of my previous household tips, just click below.

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Holiday Shopping List

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  • Don’t know what NaBloPoMo and NaNoWriMo are? Read all about it here and here.
  • Want to know why I’m participating in both? Click here.

9 Responses to “Write A Santa Letter To Your Children”

  1. Lady Why said

    That sounds like a lot of fun! And, thanks for the great links!!

  2. 4urpets said

    I’m sending three this year. Good tip.

  3. Marie said

    Thanks, I’ve been wondering how to do that!

  4. MomOnTheGo said

    If you’re just a bit less ambitious (or Canadian, though they accept letters from all over the world), you can send your letter to:

    and there are volunteers who will write back in many languages, including Braille.

  5. Heather L. said

    Great tip!! Our local bank will also answer letters to Santa that are brought in with an SASE, but I think I like the personal touch your idea will have! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks for the great tip! My son is over the moon when he gets mail–I can’t wait to share his delight when he gets mail from Santa!

  7. That is so great! I don’t know if they do it overseas. Unfortunately my German family think it is cruel to lie to children about Santa and the ToothFairy. The whole Tooth Fairy thing is mind boggling to them. I personally am pro Santa and trying to win my hubby, I don’t think it will work. Germans are pretty strong on their opinions. However for those pro Santa parents, have fun with this one!

  8. Laane said

    Awww, this is so sweet!

    What a pity we live so far away.

    Feel welcome to visit my site

    Laane on the World

    Have a great day!

  9. Tanya said

    Guess I know what I’ll be working on tonight!
    Thanks for the tip!

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